starknet scaffold

Everything you need to buidl dApps on Starknet

An open-source, up-to-date toolkit for building decentralized applications (dapps) on Starknet. Move from prototyping to production-grade apps seamlessly.



Burner wallet

A simple tool for generating temporary wallets for use during the course of development

Scaffold Faucet

A SepETH/SepSTRK faucet for claiming ETH/STRK Sepolia testnet tokens

Scaffold Wikipedia

A collection of Starknet/Cairo learning resources in the ecosystem

Powered by Starknetkit..

Connect Wallet

Starknet-scaffold has default support for all wallets within the Starknet ecosystem

Why Starknet- Scaffold

From prototyping to production..

Starknet Scaffold is designed to simplify the process for developers to create, declare, and deploy smart contracts alongside build interactive user interfaces.


Out-of-the-box UI components

Starknet Scaffold provides you with multiple out-of-the-box UI components you can customize to suit your needs

Scripts to make your life easier

We've added NPM scripts to help simplify your contract development with Starknet-Foundry

Burner Wallets and debugging tools

Starknet Scaffold gives you the ability to deploy burner wallets, interact with other contracts using them and deploy/declare contracts for easy debugging

Starknet Wikipedia

First time developing on Starknet? no worries! we've compiled the best learning tools and resources for you